Monday, 28 April 2014

Bluecoat Display Centre residency

Making wallpapers for installation in the community.

During february and march 2013 I undertook a short residency for Bluecoat Display Centre. Although this work is still to be finally realised you can see the maquettes of the wallpapers which were made by working in various spots around the Everton district with the community. The individuals created mono-prints which I then selected and edited and collborated with a designer to make into wallpapers. The image below is called 'Child in Net' and you can see how it might look once made into a digital wallpaper.

Image below was originally made by a woman I met whilst working in the library running a mono-print workshop. She had just been moved up from London into a council house and was out shopping for a television for her three children. She was a single mother and originally from Nigeria.